Google App for Online Business Collaboration

Google App has been providing support facilities for businesses to be able to arrange a variety of jobs online with low cost.  With Google Apps services will facilitate you in doing sharing the project starting from the Document-sharing online, Group management, Task Management, Calendar and Email.

The advantages of Google Applications is that you can use your own Domain name (, using your own domain will make its own branded for your company business.

In every application on google you can add a company Logo, your Logo will be displayed as a replacement for the default default google logo. For the language features you can do the language settings to be used (Indonesia, English, etc.)

Here are some of the main google apps service facilities:

GOOGLE DOC. this facility allows you to share the document that you created with your business colleagues or with your team project. on google docs, you can create, upload and download various pages such as: document word, Excel and presentation, Music even Video.

GOOGLE SITE. At this facility to you or for each user in either group or individual users to be able to have a Web page that will be for the (share) with other users.

GOOGLE MAIL. Untuk email google memberikan fasilitas penyimpanan untuk email yang cukup besar sampai 7 GB per user. Tak hanya itu Email dari google app ini mendunkung fasilitas POP3 dan IMAPI, dimana account email ini dapat anda setup pada mail client di komputer anda seperti pada Microsoft Aoutlook, windows mail, dll.



GOOGLE CALENDAR. Applikasi ini memungkinkan anda dalam megatur pekerjaan-pekerjaan (Task) serta melakukan pengaturan Jadwal pada fungsi kalender yang telah disediakan.
